You have received an email containing a download link. Please click on the link and follow the instructions below.

  1. Download the installation routine:
  2. Run the file "WFBS-SVC_Agent_Installer.exe" (as administrator):

    If you do not have admin rights on your device, the message will look like this:

     Enter the admin password and click "Yes".
  3. If you do not know the admin password or the following message appears, please contact the service desk (0848 30 40 30 /
  4. Start the installation by clicking on "Next".:
  5. The routine downloads the required components and performs the installation activities. This can take a long time (up to 15 minutes). You can continue working during this time, but please do not cancel the installation and do not shut down the computer or allow the power saving mode during the installation.

    It is possible that Windows error messages appear during the installation because the old antivirus service is uninstalled and the new one is installed. This does not have to worry you. However, if the messages continue to appear after the installation and at the latest after a restart, please contact the service desk (0848 30 40 30 /
  6. The installation routine reports the successful completion of the activities after some time, no restart is required:
  7. After successful installation you will see the Trendmicro icon in the tray:
  8. In addition, the Microsoft Security Center no longer displays errors (warning signs/yellow or red traffic lights) at the latest after the restart:
  9. Done !